Pam Bondi, former Florida state attorney general, was sworn in as the 87th U.S. attorney general on Wednesday, a day after the Senate confirmed her nomination for the position in a 54-46
The U.S. government considers making changes to two rules to expand the country’s authority to ban more foreign shipments to China-based telecommunications equipment firm Huawei, Reuters reported Sunday.
MoreThe Defense Digital Service has worked with the U.S. Army on a pilot program to help the service branch streamline its cyber training's Joint Cyber Analytics Course and tactical training phase, Fifth Domain
MoreThe Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has released a draft binding operational directive that would require federal agencies to have a vulnerability disclosure policy.
MoreThe Department of Education has asked the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Maryland to submit detailed records of contracts and gifts from foreign governments and technology firms, Nextgov reported
MoreA task force within the Department of Defense is exploring ways to improve cybersecurity in the industrial base and protect research and development work on military technology and deny adversaries access to
MoreThe Department of Commerce has proposed a rule that outlines the procedures the secretary can use to evaluate transactions involving information and communications technology and services and determine whether such transactions pose national
MoreThe White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has issued a request for information to seek insights on how federal agencies can work with industry and academic institutions to maximize the
MoreThe U.S. government still needs to come up with clearer policies outlining the agencies’ cybersecurity responsibilities and roles and an FBI official said “conversations” are still ongoing among agencies when it comes
MoreThe U.S. Air Force and the Department of Defense’s Strategic Capabilities Office have decided to continue the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s work on a program to provide cyber personnel with a tool
MoreMargie Graves, federal deputy chief information officer, said support from an agency’s top leaders is one of the factors the Technology Modernization Fund board considers before awarding federal funds through TMF, Federal