The National Security Agency‘s Artificial Intelligence Security Center, in collaboration with international agency partners, has released new guidance discussing how content credentials could help increase the transparency of images, audio, video and
Kevin Fahey, assistant secretary of defense for acquisition, said a new policy that seeks to guide services’ software development and acquisition efforts was finalized and signed by Hon. Ellen Lord, undersecretary of
MoreJoe Francescon, deputy assistant secretary of defense for special operations and combatting terrorism, said the unclassified summary of the Irregular Warfare Annex to the 2018 National Defense Strategy allows the Department of Defense
MoreNand Mulchandani, chief technology officer at the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), told National Defense in an interview published Monday that JAIC has partnerships with two contracting vehicle organizations and that Congress
MoreLt. Gen. David Thompson, vice commander of the U.S. Space Force, said the service plans to establish a new command focused on acquisition programs in 2021. The service announced in June that it
MorePresident Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to declare a national emergency to help address the threat posed by the country’s dependence on critical minerals from foreign adversaries to U.S. national security, economy
MoreCynthia Mendoza, chief architect at the intelligence community, said the reference architecture framework (RAF) seeks to be a “cradle to grave” model that could enable IC to implement information technology programs through standard integration
MoreThe Joint Acquisition Task Force established by the Department of Defense (DoD) to help coordinate the delivery of acquisition support to other agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic will be called the Defense
MoreKaren Evans, chief information officer at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), said DHS is merging its security and network operations centers to keep systems operational as analysts respond and investigate a
MoreDana Deasy, chief information officer at the Department of Defense and a 2020 Wash100 Award winner, said his office has begun working with service branches to help them prepare for their future transition to
MorePresident Trump intends to appoint Basil Parker, chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) as the next federal chief information officer and Camilo Sandoval, former acting CIO at the Department