The Commerce Department has named 27 business, academic and nonprofit sector representatives who will serve on the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee for up to three years.
NAIAC, established by the National AI Initiative Act of 2020, will recommend measures for the Biden administration to address workforce, science and competition matters associated with the adoption of technology, the department said Thursday.
Members of the new advisory group will also guide the government in balancing funds and activities under the initiative. Their inaugural meeting is scheduled for May 4.
The panel will form a subcommittee to explore AI-based law enforcement applications and help the White House understand potential bias, data security and legal aspects in the field.
“Their anticipated recommendations to the President and the National AI Initiative Office will serve as building blocks for U.S. AI policy for decades to come, and I am immensely grateful for their voluntary service,” said Don Graves, deputy secretary at the Department of Commerce.

If you’re interested in AI, then check out the Potomac Officers Club’s 4th Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit this spring. The summit aims to assemble leaders from the worlds of government and business to discuss advancements and outlooks in that area. Click here to see POC’s full calendar.