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Caliburn International To Fund Scholarships For AUIS Students; Robert Stalick Quoted

2 mins read
Robert Stalick
Robert Stalick CEO Caliburn International

Caliburn International announced on Tuesday its intention to commit an initial $250,000 toward a new scholarship campaign with the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS). The campaign, named ‘We Share the Future,’ will raise money to enable students from diverse communities in Iraq to have a higher education.

“The new scholarship program is another way we can give back to the people of Iraq, where we have worked for many years and have established deep relationships and a respect for the people,” commented Caliburn CEO Robert Stalick.

Caliburn is the first company to fund the scholarship program, with several companies in the region expected to emulate its scholarship campaign. In addition, the company has donated to similar initiatives such as school supply drives and a school renovation project funded and managed by its subsidiary Sallyport.

Stalick also said it is critical for the next generation of Iraqis to have academic, technological, critical thinking skills to build a prosperous and secure Iraq. Therefore, students of AUIS who are majoring in Engineering and Medical Laboratory Science and have finished one to two years of undergraduate study will be eligible for scholarships.

“Recipients of the scholarships not only have their lives change, but their families’ lives change for the better. The investment in an educated workforce from corporate community support is key to enabling AUIS to attract students from diverse backgrounds and creates a powerful engine both for student success and for the country’s economic growth, social benefit, and regional security,” stated Bruce Walker Ferguson, AUIS president.

“Having corporations working in Iraq, like Sallyport and Janus (part of the Caliburn family), partner with the University provides job prospects for AUIS students upon graduation,” Ferguson added.

Caliburn recently announced the company will break into two separate companies, Acuity International and Valiance Humanitarian. The separation is expected to be completed by the fall of 2021.