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White House Calls for Incorporation of Schema Tags Into COVID-19 Webpages

1 min read

The White House and federal agencies have teamed up with collaborative community Schema.org to ensure that public health updates and related information on the new coronavirus appear on search engine results.

Schema.org, which was founded by Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and other tech companies, created and issued new standard tags for COVID-19 webpages, including disease spread statistics, prevention measures, testing, travel guidance and quarantine rules, the White House said Wednesday.

The Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Science and Technology Policy have asked federal chief information officers, state and local governments, academic community and the private sector to integrate into webpages the community’s new standard tags related to COVID-19.

The Trump administration also encouraged the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program to share instructions on how federal and non-government digital groups can incorporate the new Schema tags into websites.

Federal CIO and 2020 Wash100 award winner Suzette Kent; Michael Kratsios, U.S. chief technology officer and fellow Wash100 winner; and White House Chief Digital Officer Ory Rinat announced the collaboration with Schema.