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VA to Speed Up Compensation Decisions on Old Claims; Eric Shinseki Comments

1 min read


Veterans Affairs Department logoThe Veterans Affairs Department will expedite decision on compensation claims that have been on hold for at least one year.

Effective Monday, VA raters will make provisional decisions on the oldest claims so that eligible veterans will be able to collect compensation benefits quicker, according to a VA statement.

VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki said Monday that an “aggressive plan to eliminate the backlog in 2015” is set to be implemented.

The VA said that in the new plan, claims that need medical examination will also be expedited.

Undersecretary for benefits Allison Hickey said provisional decisions will speed up and provide a “one-year safety net to submit further evidence” before the final decision is made.

The agency added that financial hardship, terminally ill, prisoners of war, Medal of Honor recipient and fully developed claims will still be prioritized.

The VA expects to improve the current average of 286 days to complete a claim.

1 Comment

  1. Eric Shinseki hasn’t provided the full scoop. He makes more money not providing benefits to veterans than providing them. For both the veteran who is a blue collar worker down to the veteran in the dumps, the VA is running the “game” almost identically to the 1930’s “Bonus Army “.

    Ignorance has replaced action.

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