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NOAA to Receive $476M from Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill

1 min read

noaa-logoThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will receive $476 million from the $50 billion Hurricane Sandy relief bill that is awaiting President Barack Obama‘s signature.

According to a NextGov article, the NOAA funds include $96 million for improvements in weather forecasts and $110 million for alternatives to long delayed replacements for polar satellites.

The two-satellite joint polar satellite system which is slated to replace current Polar Operational Environmental Satellites, face delays of up to five years.

The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act provides the NOAA with $50 million for weather research, $25 million for forecasting improvements, $50 million for mapping services and $44.5 million for hurrican hunter aircraft repairs.

(Click Here, to read about how drones might replace the Hurricane Hunter fleet.)

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