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SDA Seeks Input on Planned PWSA Optical Terminal Standard Changes

SDA Seeks Input on Planned PWSA Optical Terminal Standard Changes

1 min read

The Space Development Agency is seeking industry feedback on the upcoming updates for its Optical Communication Terminal, or OCT, standard to reduce risk in future Tranche 3 solicitations of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture.

The request for information, or RFI, will inform plans to revise the OCT standard between versions 3.1.0 and 4.0.0, SDA said in a Friday notice posted on SAM.gov. For instance, the effort would involve critical updates from version 3.1.0 and new requirements outlined in version 4.0.0 not specific to the burst-mode waveform implementation.

Feedback for Planned OCT Standard Changes

Specifically, SDA invites vendors to provide input on the OCT standard version 3.2.0, which the agency envisions as the benchmark for the PWSA Tranche 3 modifications. SDA also wants comments on version 4.0.0, which will be the compliance standard for a select number of Tranche 3 optical terminals.

Interested parties are encouraged to provide feedback on how the standard changes could affect the hardware, firmware, software, cost and schedule of the PWSA space vehicles and optical terminals. Vendors can also discuss the potential interoperability constraints with the non-burst waveforms for OCT standard versions 3.1.0, 3.2.0 and 4.0.0.

Recommendations for Extra OCT Requirements

In addition, recommendations for additional optical communication requirements in the OCT standard revision to advance the SDA mission will be welcomed. Responses to the RFI will be accepted until Feb. 4.