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Canada Acquiring Joint Direct Attack Munition Tail Kits From US via $96M Foreign Military Sale

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Canada Acquiring Joint Direct Attack Munition Tail Kits From US via $96M Foreign Military Sale

The Department of State has approved a request by the government of Canada to acquire additional Joint Direct Attack Munition tail kits, increasing the number of units sought under a previously-approved foreign military sale and raising the transaction’s total value to $96.4 million.

Under the prior FMS, which cost $16.1 million, Canada sought 210 KMU-572 JDAM tail kits, 50 KMU-556 kits and 25 KMU-557 tail kits, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Tuesday.

The new FMS brings the total request to 900 KMU-572 JDAM tail kits, 125 KMU-556 kits and 50 KMU-557 tail kits, along with a variety of support services and related elements, including laser illuminated target detectors, FMU-139 fuzes and spares.

Boeing will serve as the principal contractor for the sale.