Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist said in a memo to Department of Defense leaders that he supports the merger of the Defense Commissary Agency and three defense resale entities, Military.com reported Friday.
Norquist, 2019 Wash100 Award recipient, wrote in the memo dated Aug. 19 that he will decide between expanding an existing entity like DeCA and establishing a new agency responsible for overseeing defense resale facilities upon the enactment of relevant legislation.
“The department’s intent is to improve community services for our service members and their families, improve support to commanders and fulfill its fiduciary responsibility concerning appropriated and non-appropriated funds,” he wrote.
According to a prior DoD report, the merger may help the Pentagon save $700 million to $1.3 billion for the first five years. The report also found that the merger would cost around $75 million for the first year and increase to $150 million for the next three years.
The DoDâs exchange system uses its profits to support military recreation programs, child care facilities and other quality-of-life efforts. Commissaries are Congress-funded and use grocery sales to support the maintenance and refurbishment of stores and equipment.