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MeriTalk: Federal Government Could Save $16.5B By Improving Data Mgmt

2 mins read

MeriTalk has announced results of its new report “Consolidation Aggravation: Tip of the Data Management Iceberg,” a study created in collaboration with Actifio that says will spend close to $16.5 billion on storage of redundant non-production data by 2024.

The Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative and other agencies have prioritized work on condensing and transitioning smoothly to cloud-based systems, said the company.

According to the report, challenges faced in approaching consolidation — data growth, management and resistance — are preventing data center optimization and driving data growth.

Steve O’Keeffe, founder of MeriTalk said that the “public flogging” of healthcare agencies and their IT departments is nearing what he calls a “siege mentality.”

“Leaders like Terry Halverson, new CIO of DoD, are showing real leadership–going at the root causes for today’s Federal IT malaise,” said O’Keeffe. “We need leadership to empower Federal IT innovators to change the failing equation; we need a cultural and acquisition shift to enable new models and the shared services to unlock new efficiencies and real savings.”

On average storage, MeriTalk expects budgets to reach a $2.7 billion cost in 2014, $3.1 billion in 2015 and reaching as much as $16.5 billion in the next ten years.

Ash Ashutosh, Founder and CEO of Actifio said that the impact of a more holistic approach to copy data management in the private sector has been in the works for years.

“Frankly I’m not surprised by the magnitude of the potential savings at the Federal level, or that this has now come to light as a significant barrier to FDCCI,” said Ashutosh.

“Copy data virtualization is today where server virtualization was 10 years ago. It’s now been identified as a strategy that can dramatically accelerate the process of data center consolidation, and get FDCCI back on track.”

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