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ONC Reports Increased HIE Adoption; Farzad Mostashari Comments

1 min read


Farzad MostashariThe Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology says health information exchange between U.S. providers and hospitals grew 41 percent from 2008 to 2012, Fedscoop reported Wednesday.

Colby Hochmuth writes the ONC report published in the “Health Affairs” journal shows that six out of 10 hospitals share medical records electronically with outside providers.

A federal law sets aside almost $30 billion for incentive programs to encourage clinicians to use EHRs, according to the article.

Farzad Mostashari, national HIT coordinator and the study’s lead author, said HIEs are part of the government’s efforts to improve the national health system by using technology.

The ONC suggests cooperative agreements could improve sharing of clinical summaries and pharmaceutical lists among clinicians, Fedscoop says.


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