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Robert Shea: 6-Month Sequestration Delay Could Bring Bargain Deal

1 min read


Robert Shea

Congress will likely delay sequestration cuts for six months, buying time to reach a compromise, a former White House budget director told Federal News Radio.

Robert Shea, who was also a member of Republican challenger Mitt Romney’s transition team, told the station the compromise will likely be a bargain instead of a grand bargain.

Nearly $1.2 trillion in automatic, across-the-board cuts are scheduled to go into effect Jan. 2, with more than $100 billion slated to be cut in fiscal year 2013 spending.

Congress will also have to address agency appropriations bills for fiscal 2013 as the current continuing resolution expires in March, Michael O’Connell writes.

Scott Lilly, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, told the station Americans should look to Congress for indications of progress or change on fiscal appropriations.

Lilly also said a divided government will result in a continued impasse on Capitol Hill regarding the budget.


1 Comment

  1. I am hopeful that the new Congress will do America’s work and understand that political gridlock , given the urgency of the fiscal issues facing our nation, are a dangerous game of chicken that will surely lead us into another recession should sequestration or a real budget deals not be realized.

    Government is not functioning right now, and Congress should be held accountable.

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