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VA Plans to Stop In-Home Telehealth Copays

1 min read

The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to eliminate copays for in-home telehealth services starting on May 7, Mobi Health News reports.

In a Federal Register notice, the VA said it will stop the copays unless it receives compelling negative complaints.

The VA said it hopes the mandate will increase access to specialist consultations, improve access to primary and ambulatory care, lower waiting times and lower travel distance to get care.

In-home video telehealth care uses real-time video conferencing and peripheral equipment to connect veterans with VA healthcare personnel as if they were meeting face-to-face in person.

A VA health worker could examine and give wound management, psychiatric, psychotherapeutic care, exercise plans, medication management, and monitor patient self-care, the department said in the notice.

The VA is also working on projects regarding recordkeeping and Web-based applications it hopes will simplify access to care.

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