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Information Request for Cyber Security Competency Models

2 mins read

cyberwarfareRecently, three major US governmental agencies identified cyber security based professionals and occupations as high priority for governement-wide competency models.

The US Office of Personnel Management, Chief Information Officers Council and the Chief Human Capital Officers Council of Workforce Development Subcommittee are heading the initiative.

They hope to locate positions where cyber security professionals are found and will identify the critical elements of success for the covered workforce, ensuring classification, selection, development, and performance management programs are based on a valid framework

The project identifies three main areas in which they are seeking to create competency models.

– IT Infrastructure, Operations, Maintenance and Information Assurance:

Personnel who have significant responsibilities for designing, developing, operating, or maintaining the security of Federal IT infrastructures, systems, applications and networks.  Also includes individuals who have responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information contained in and transmitted from those systems and networks.

– Domestic Law Enforcement and Counterintelligence:

Personnel who analyze cyber events and environments to investigate potential threats and individuals who participate in law enforcement, counterintelligence, and other types of investigatory activities involving IT systems, networks, and/or digital information/evidence.

– Specialized Cybersecurity Operations:

Personnel who are employed by departments and agencies that are engaged in highly specialized, and largely classified, cybersecurity operations focused on collection, exploitation and response.

If you would like to assist in this initiative provide the requested information along with an agency point of contact to competency@opm.gov by January 15, 2010.


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