The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard plan to create a joint program office that will be responsible for the acquisition of a new polar icebreaker, Navy Times reported Thursday. The chief of staff for Rep. Duncan
MoreWilliam Roper, director of the Defense Departmentâs strategic capabilities office, has said DoD should exercise flexibility when it comes to requirements of weapons systems and other acquisition programs, Federal News Radio reported Wednesday.
MoreThe Government Accountability Office has found incomplete historical data available from government sources to analyze the Defense Department‘s canceled solicitations. GAO said Wednesday DoD officials indicated the department does not track data on canceled solicitations
MoreThe Office of Management and Budget has released a policy that requires federal agencies to use the General Services Administrationâs blanket purchase agreements to acquire data breach response, credit monitoring and identity
MoreThe U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities Office continues to review proposals from contractors for potential $50 million-to-$100 million contracts to acquire electronic warfare gear, Breaking Defense reported Friday. Sydney Freedberg writes Army Secretary Eric Fanning works to
MoreThe General Services Administration has released a final rule on its transactional data reporting process in an effort to help simplify the tracking and disclosure requirements for federal contractors. GSA said Wednesday the rule
MoreMike Poth, CEO of the First Responder Network Authority, has testified before the members of a Senate Commerce subcommittee to discuss the procurement process for the proposed national public safety broadband network
MoreThe General Services Administration has finalized a rule that requires federal contractors to report transactional acquisition data and eliminate disclosure and tracking requirements for contractors. GSA will implement the Transactional Data Reporting rule
MoreThe Department of Homeland Security will start to accept video proposal submissions from contractors that want to show a visual aid with additional details as an alternative to traditional methods, Federal Times reported Tuesday. Kathleen
MoreThe Defense Departmentâs inspector general has called on the chief of contracts at the Naval Oceanographic Office to train contracting staff and establish procedures designed to change how NAVOCEANO awards task orders through