The U.S. Air Force and Boeing have agreed to update the T-7A Red Hawk acquisition plan to meet the Air Education and Training Command’s operational requirements.
Under the modified agreement, USAF would acquire four production representative test vehicles, or PRTVs, which will be delivered in 2026 and paid for using fiscal year 2025 funds, AETC said Wednesday. The procurement would accelerate AETC’s test plan and curriculum development efforts, advancing its goal to achieve a timely initial operational capability for the Red Hawk aircraft.
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To Improve T-7A Manufacturing Readiness
According to Andrew Hunter, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics, the PRTV procurement would allow the USAF and Boeing to improve manufacturing readiness and reduce the possibility of costly aircraft retrofits.
“Acquisition programs cannot be stagnant, even when they are fixed-price. This is why I’ve directed the T-7A team to implement updates to reduce risk and increase our confidence in the aircraft design, all to ensure we can deliver the T-7A to the warfighter when needed,” the Wash100 Award winner explained.
Accelerated Procurement Program
The updated acquisition approach would support expanded test capacity for AETC, enabling the command to start its curriculum development activities. The adjustment would also incentivize Boeing to address emergent issues not covered in the original contract and expedite elements of the program.
The Air Force awarded Boeing a contract in 2018 to develop the T-7A and procure 350 operational units of the aircraft. The two parties’ existing acquisition plan supports the purchase of seven production aircraft under the 2025 budget submitted to Congress. The service said it is working with lawmakers on the needed adjustments to the current T-7A budget request to execute the new plan.