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NAVSEA Publishes Enterprise Strategy to Enhance Readiness

NAVSEA Publishes Enterprise Strategy to Enhance Readiness

2 mins read

The Naval Sea Systems Command has published an enterprise-wide strategy to better align the organization’s operations to support the Chief of Naval Operations’s Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting Navy. NAVSEA said Monday that its enterprise strategy was developed following a period of self-assessment with the goal of making the entire organization better in the long run.

Five Lines of Effort

The strategy introduces five lines of effort in line with CNO Adm. Lisa Franchetti’s North Stars for the Navy, which are strategic focus areas that aim to close service gaps in warfighting capabilities. The strategy sets the goal of achieving “readiness for sustained high-end joint and combined combat by 2027.”

The five LOEs are:

  1. To accelerate force generation to support the delivery of ships and combat systems
  2. Generate readiness for the maintenance, modernization and sustainment of military platforms
  3. Capture and use data to encourage innovation
  4. Attract, retain and grow the workforce
  5. Strengthen the NAVSEA foundation by enhancing critical infrastructure.

According to Vice Adm. Jim Downey, commander of NAVSEA, the organization has made changes to improve operations. 

“Nothing was off the table when we started this process last May,” the official commented, “and since then, we’ve realigned departments, merged similar functions, and streamlined command operations to enable greater focus on these lines of effort.”

Improving Navy Readiness

The CNO published the Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting Navy in September to guide efforts in preparation in case of a war with China and to ensure the service’s long-term advantage against adversaries. 

The plan includes the “Project 33” initiative, which identifies measures such as adding robotic and autonomous systems to the force and reducing delays in ship maintenance.