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GAO Calls on Energy Department to Update Guidance for Contractor Diversity Plans
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GAO Calls on Energy Department to Update Guidance for Contractor Diversity Plans

1 min read

The Department of Energy should update its guidance for providers of management and operation — or M&O — services to ensure that the contractors’ diversity plans include leading diversity management practices, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office.

GAO said in the report released Friday that the DOE’s diversity management guidance should make sure that, when developing their diversity plans, M&O contractors factor in diversity training requirements as well as succession planning with a focus on diversity.

Contractors should also work to involve their employees when formulating such plans.

GAO said the Energy Department agreed with all their recommendations.

The report is the result of a review the GAO conducted on the National Nuclear Security Administration’s report regarding contractor employee workforce diversity. The latter report, submitted in May 2023, was mandated by the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, as was the subsequent GAO review.

The GAO report is also based on DOE and contractor documents as well as interviews with various contractor and government officials.