Margaret Weichert, acting director of the Office of Personnel Management, said the Trump administration aims to integrate workforce efforts through executive councils and agencies in 2019, Federal News Network reported Wednesday.
Weichert noted that the government will focus on the collaboration of agencies in workforce initiatives such as reskilling federal personnel, fostering employee engagement and shortening hiring procedures. A fourth quarter update posted on Performance.gov states the administration is slated to develop a reskilling strategy to re-deploy existing federal staff by the end of March.
âAgencies were widely interested in using automated career paths and leveraging technology platforms to make career paths accessible to employees,â according to the update.
OPM and the Office of Management and Budget, where Weichert concurrently serves as deputy director for management, have begun collaborating with other agencies to study data on federal workforce operations and potential ways to address the need for reskilling and redeployment.
The Trump administration will hold an industry day in January to assess career-pathing strategies used by the private sector.