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White House Updates Missile Technology Nonproliferation Policies

White House Updates Missile Technology Nonproliferation Policies

2 mins read

President Joe Biden on Jan. 3 issued a National Security Memorandum that updates policies that guide the U.S. in its implementation of the Missile Technology Control Regime.

What Is the MTCR?

The MTCR is an informal understanding among participating countries that aims to limit the export of missile delivery systems as well as all types of weapons of mass destruction, with the ultimate goal of reducing nuclear weapons proliferation, the White House said Tuesday.

The MTCR was established in 1987 by the G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S.) but has now grown to 35 member countries.

What Updates Does the Memorandum Bring?

Under the latest memorandum, relevant agencies are called on to be more flexible in reviewing MTCR Category I military missiles, unmanned aerial systems and space launch vehicle systems for partners that have demonstrated strong export control. The memorandum also calls for support for such technologies while excluding the transfer of complete facilities that would enable the independent production of Category I systems.

The memorandum goes on to underscore the fact that the MTCR is not meant to impede space programs or cooperation in such efforts, provided those programs would not contribute to the proliferation of WMD delivery systems. The memorandum also emphasizes the continuing policy of the U.S. to oppose missile programs of concern and the distribution of dual-use technologies to parties that may divert such capabilities to programs and activities of concern.

The president’s memo also says that the U.S. will use the MTCR and other instruments to ensure nonproliferation, and that the country will evolve the regime so that it keeps up with advances in technology.