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Immersive Wisdom Wins AFWERX Contract for Collaboration Software

Immersive Wisdom Wins AFWERX Contract for Collaboration Software

1 min read

Immersive Wisdom, a company that offers proven TRL-9 distributed communications and ops center software platform for digital war rooms in denied, degraded, intermittent, and limited-bandwidth, or DDIL, environments, has booked a strategic funding increase contract from AFWERX and Air Combat Command for its low-bandwidth and no-bandwidth digital war room collaboration software.

The Boca Raton, Florida-based company said Tuesday the STRATFI contract, backed by funding from three DOD commands, expedites the deployment of the collaboration software worldwide.

Immersive Wisdom Collaboration Software

The low-bandwidth and no-bandwidth collaboration software enables disaggregated or decentralized communications in hostile conditions.

Mike Appelbaum, CEO of Immersive Wisdom, stated, “Three distinct DOD Commands participating in this STRATFI is a significant testament to the critical need for low and no-bandwidth communications capabilities across DOD. We are delivering digital war rooms worldwide that connect geographically distributed warfighters, closing massive time and distance gaps, regardless of underlying communications infrastructure.”