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NIST Soliciting Comments on Updated Digital Identity Guidance
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NIST Soliciting Comments on Updated Digital Identity Guidance

1 min read

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking public comments on a draft version of its updated digital identity guidance.

The draft Digital Identity Guidelines Special Publication 800-63 Revision 4 aims to ensure security, privacy and accessibility during the identity-proofing process for people accessing government services, regardless of the means by which a person chooses to prove their identity, NIST said Wednesday.

NIST incorporated feedback gathered in 2023 from private industry, federal agencies, privacy and civil rights advocacy groups, and members of the public into the updated guidance which, according to Office of Management and Budget deputy director for management Jason Miller, will help federal agencies better defend against evolving threats while providing critical benefits and services to the American people.

“These improved guidelines are intended to help organizations of all kinds manage risk and prevent fraud while ensuring that digital services are lawfully accessible to all,” said NIST Director Laurie Locascio.

Comments on the latest guidance will be accepted until Oct. 7. NIST will hold a webinar on Wednesday to discuss the draft publication.