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NSA-CISA Security Framework Seeks to Boost US Leadership in Global Tech Standards Development

NSA-CISA Security Framework Seeks to Boost US Leadership in Global Tech Standards Development

1 min read

The National Security Agency and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have issued an Enduring Security Framework seeking to strengthen U.S. leadership in crafting international standards that the agencies foresee will impact the technology sector’s security in the future. 

The ESF report, which pursues the agencies’ respective cybersecurity missions, recommends four action steps, including establishing the U.S. as a choice venue for standards development conferences and prompt engagement in critical emerging technology standards   

The 22-page report also suggests the development of a more standards-savvy labor force and tapping academia to raise the next generation of standards development professionals. 

The ESF Industry Specifications Group’s working panel, a public-private sector team led by NSA and CISA personnel, developed the report.  

Atiya Yearwood, the NSA Cybersecurity Collaboration Center’s deputy chief, noted that such technologies as quantum computing and artificial intelligence are rapidly evolving, which requires careful and secure development. 

“So we need U.S. industry to continue the tradition of strong leadership from the beginning phase of standards development,” she said.