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DOD Asks Tech Advisory Board to Identify Innovation Barriers, Study Data Economy

DOD Asks Tech Advisory Board to Identify Innovation Barriers, Study Data Economy

1 min read

The Defense Innovation Board will conduct a study to identify policies and practices that act as barriers to innovation and another study to come up with recommendations on the Department of Defense’s data economy, C4ISRNET reported Tuesday.

The board will perform the two studies in response to memos issued by David Honey, deputy undersecretary of defense for research and engineering.

For the first study, the “recommendations should focus on procedures that align Department incentives, policies for accelerating and scaling new warfighting capabilities, and practices that inspire and attract the next generation of innovators” and “should be wide-ranging – across security, acquisition, information technology, and human capital – and actionable, with the goal of laying the groundwork needed to compete and overmatch in a technology and innovation driven environment,” according to the Oct. 6 memo.

Under the second study, DIB should assess the current state of the department’s data economy including opportunities and gaps, offer recommendations for an “assured, available, and accessible” data economy by 2024 and provide industry best practices for developing a data economy, Honey said in the Oct. 10 memo.

Honey’s office expects the board to complete the studies by February.