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Commerce Announces Addition of 7 Chinese Tech Institutions to Entity List

1 min read

The Department of Commerce has added to its Entity List seven Chinese space, aerospace and other technology institutions for their attempts to acquire U.S.-made products in support of the East Asian country’s military modernization efforts.

The department’s bureau of industry and security said Tuesday it will restrict the access of these seven entities to software and other commodities subject to the Export Administration Regulations under a final rule that is set to take effect Wednesday, Aug. 24.

The bureau will evaluate license applications that involve these seven Chinese entities:

  • China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 9th Academy 771 Research Institute
  • CASC 9th Academy 772 Research Institute
  • China Academy of Space Technology 502 Research Institute
  • China Academy of Space Technology 513 Research Institute
  • China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 43 Research Institute
  • China Electronics Technology Group Corporation 58 Research Institute
  • Zhuhai Orbita Control Systems

“U.S. technologies that support space and aerospace activities should not be used to support the PRC’s military modernization. We are constantly monitoring these sectors for evidence of diversion,” said Alan Estevez, undersecretary of Commerce for industry and security.

“China’s military-civil fusion program requires BIS to be vigilant and act forcefully when necessary to protect our sensitive technologies,” he added.