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Savannah River National Lab Unveils Regulatory Center of Excellence; Connie Herman Quoted

1 min read

Savannah River National Laboratory has formed a new center of excellence to help Department of Energy sites address regulatory and stakeholder challenges, advance cleanup and reduce liability and environmental risk.

Connie Herman, director of environmental and legacy management at SRNL, said in a statement published Wednesday the Regulatory Center of Excellence will develop collaborative approaches and strategies to regulatory interaction.

The RCE draws upon the collective expertise of the Savannah River Laboratory, Longenecker and Associates and SRNL’s university partners, to serve as a critical resource for connecting research developments and regulatory compliance strategies,” added Herman.

Stephanie Jacobs will serve as director of the new center, which will form a network of researchers and experts to support the department’s interactions with community leaders and regulators to address technical communication, policy, community and regulatory compliance challenges.

The center will use the experience and best practices of DOE’s office of environmental management to support other missions. 

The RCE will also recommend strategies to build on community interactions to mitigate concerns and improve communications and offer counsel to federal partners, state regulators, local and tribal governments when it comes to developing risk-informed strategies for environmental cleanup.

Battelle Savannah River Alliance operates and manages SRNL for DOE.