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Brett Holmgren: State Department’s Intell Branch to Form Open Source Coordination Office

1 min read

Brett Holmgren, assistant secretary for intelligence and research at the State Department, said the bureau of intelligence and analysis will establish a new office that will act as a “central point of contact” for training, policy and tradecraft about open source intelligence, Federal News Network reported Monday.

The Strategic Open Source Coordination Office will also test and buy open source tools, deliver them abroad and oversee contracts.

“Being able to leverage open source in a fundamentally different way than we’ve done so to date will allow us to share our best insights at the unclassified, FOUO, or the sensitive but unclassified level, on new platforms to our diplomats overseas,” Holmgren said on FNN’s Inside the IC program.

The new office is part of the bureau’s INR 2025 strategic plan that has five pillars, including elevating strategic analysis and redefining intelligence support to diplomacy.

Holmgren said the INR 2025 strategy also prioritizes digital modernization and diversity in recruitment efforts.