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Cubic’s Scott Rosebush Talks Acquisition Agility, Accelerating Innovation With Potomac Officers Club

2 mins read

Scott Rosebush, senior program director for Cubic Mission and Performance Solutions, was featured recently in an Executive Spotlight interview with the Potomac Officers Club to share his goals in the federal landscape, his notable career achievements and his strategies for transforming government acquisitions to foster agility and speed. 

Rosebush is an aerospace and defense industry veteran with experience across systems engineering, communications and signals intelligence and cybersecurity for companies including Northrop Grumman, SAIC and TASC. 

In this excerpt from his interview, Rosebush speaks on one of the most urgent challenges facing federal innovation today as adversarial capabilities continue to advance:

“From my perspective, one of the biggest challenges of embracing emerging technology in the federal government space is adjusting from traditional acquisition practices to something more agile and rapid. When you look at recent technological advances like shrinking satellite build-and-deploy lifecycles from decades to months and eliminating the lengthy accreditation approvals for technical refreshes for software using techniques like Continuous Approval to Operate (cATO), our acquisition processes simply weren’t designed to accommodate those changes. Exacerbating the problem is the fact that our adversaries have become increasingly nimble. So in some cases, we don’t just need to speed up acquisition by 10 or 20 percent, we need to multiply our acquisition velocity by 10 or 20 times.” 

To read the full Executive Spotlight Interview with Cubic’s Scott Rosebush, visit PotomacOfficersClub.com, where you can read more interviews with notable GovCon executives and learn more about the platform’s membership benefits and options.