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NSWC Corona Uses Web-Based Tool to Track, Reduce Cannibalizations; David Drake Quoted

1 min read

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division has produced a web-based tool that allows users to track, process and report cannibalizations, the act of reducing supply inventories to accommodate newer products.

The eCANNAB system serves as a centralized platform for the many cannibalizations across the Navy, NSWC said Tuesday. The tool harnesses NSWC Corona’s data sources to inform commanders and decision-makers in a business intelligence environment.

David Drake, operations research analyst and co-creator of eCANNAB, said the tool consolidates the service branch’s cannibalizations to grant all Navy personnel access to this information.

“The Navy can now track that (item duplicates) and develop solutions to try to avoid cannibalization for that part altogether in the future,” Drake said.

The Navy developed eCANNAB within six months and initially launched the platform in late 2017. NSWC has since been applying “spiral” updates, with the latest one released on May 7.