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ITIF Report: Congress Should Establish National Advanced Industry and Technology Agency

1 min read

A report by Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a Washington, D.C.-based public policy think tank, recommends that Congress and the Biden administration create a national advanced industry and technology agency to oversee programs and policies meant to help the U.S. ensure its industry leadership.

“This new agency, ideally at least as large as the National Science Foundation (NSF), would lead a number of core tasks, including analyzing U.S. industry strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and responding with well-resourced solutions, including support for domestic research and development (R&D) and production partnerships and investment in advanced research facilities,” Robert Atkinson, founder and president of ITIF, wrote in the report published Thursday.

The document suggests that the proposed agency – NAITA – should be composed of five divisions: data and analysis; advanced industries; emerging technologies; innovation systems; and cross-agency and cross-government coordination.

NAITA should oversee the development of a national advanced industry and technology strategy and help pursue industry competitiveness by coordinating an interagency process to align programs and policies within federal and state agencies and international organizations. A Senate-confirmed director appointed by the president should chair NAITA, according to the report.

“Advising the director would be a board of 15 to 20 members, with at least two-thirds of which from industry, with others including industrial strategy experts, venture capitalists, and leading engineers and scientists,” the report reads.