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Tom Sasala: Navy Eyes Enterprise Data Environment, Advanced Access Controls

1 min read

Tom Sasala, chief data officer of the U.S. Navy, said the service branch intends to implement a modernized data architecture as it works to execute a holistic approach to data governance, Nextgov reported Friday.

“Data is contextual in nature, right, so not all pieces of information that are generated at the tactical, not all pieces of information generated in the enterprise need to flow across each side,” Sasala said.

Sasala said at a FedInsider event that the Navy wants to roll out a data architecture developed in April 2020 to enable the transfer of data to secure and integrated storage locations.

The modernization effort includes the implementation of a data environment called Jupiter to support the use of complex access controls. The Navy also created new data-related positions to manage everyday data management and command-and-control activities.

“We’ve actually appointed … deputy data officers for the Navy and the Marine Corps so we have a kind of triad where the secretariat, where I sit, and then the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps each have a data officer,” Sasala said.

Clark Cully, acting deputy chief information officer at the DOD, noted during the same event that the Pentagon’s command, control and communications team is “investing heavily in the industry and international consortia” to ensure the implementation of zero-trust and cybersecurity standards for 5G projects which utilize tactical edge-level data.