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Air Force to Reduce Physical Footprint Amid New Telework Norm; Maj. James Tyhurst Quoted

1 min read

The U.S. Air Force has commenced efforts to minimize the physical footprint at facilities, as the service continues to implement teleworking. The Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) coordinated with installation leaders to gather data on unit space allocations, unit telework plans, building floor plans, building condition and mission dependency, USAF said Saturday.

“With approval to press forward, AFCEC began working on pilot studies at two installations: the large installation of Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, and the smaller installation of Luke Air Force Base, Arizona,” said Maj. James Tyhurst, chief of AFCEC’s Installation Planning Branch.

The pilot effort primarily focuses on administrative functions associated with telework and facility footprint reduction. AFCEC, part of Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, proposed the study in response to Gen. Stephen Wilson, USAF vice chief of staff, who asked about how teleworking would offset Air Force facility requirements.