President Trump intends to nominate three-decade U.S. Air Force veteran Matthew Donovan as undersecretary of personnel and readiness at the Department of Defense, the White House announced Wednesday.
Donovan, who has held DoD’s top personnel post on an acting basis since Jimmy Stewart stepped down early in December, was acting secretary of USAF from June to October 2019 and undersecretary of the service branch from October to December of the same year.
He logged nearly 3K flight hours with the F-15C and F-5E Tiger II platforms as a command pilot.
The retired colonel worked at Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) as a senior defense policy analyst after his retirement from military service in 2008. After SAIC, he held civil service positions such as director of staff in USAF’s Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Programs.
He helped oversee military fixed-wing fighter, mobility, bomber and special mission aircraft programs during his tenure as a professional staff member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.