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NOAA Seeks Feedback on Draft Emerging Tech Strategies

1 min read

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is looking for public input on its draft strategies for programs involving unmanned systems, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and technologies for analyzing DNA, RNA and other proteins.

NOAA said in a document that the draft strategies seek to “ensure robust agency-wide coordination and strong institutional support from NOAA senior leadership” for the four emerging technology focus areas in an effort to improve agency operations. NOAA intends to establish strategic implementation plans that include detailed courses of action following the completion of each strategy.

The agency seeks to “prioritize strategic investments” in unmanned systems and reduce costs associated with AI data processing. NOAA’s ‘Omics strategy will focus on the development of computational and analytics capabilities that implement subject areas such as genomics, metabolomics, proteomics and transcriptomics.

The cloud strategy will revolve around expanding NOAA’s existing implementation of cloud capabilities for weather prediction, big data analysis, ocean modeling, storage, dissemination and other satellite-related efforts.

NOAA will accept feedback on the draft strategies within 30 days of the solicitation’s publication.