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Sue Gordon: Intelligence Community Should Push for More Information Sharing

1 min read

Jeff Brody
Sue Gordon

Sue Gordon, principal deputy director of national intelligence and 2019 Wash100 Award winner, said the intelligence community should ramp up its efforts to advance transparency and share more information with the public as foreign governments continue to target the general public and commercial businesses, C4ISRNET reported Tuesday. 

“And what that means is, intelligence has to be made available for those decision-makers, whether it’s the populace — ‘You all are being duped’ – or the private sector – ‘You all are having your secrets stolen,’” Gordon said during a recent episode of the podcast Intelligence Matters. “You need to make different decisions. And we need to give you information so that you can make different decisions. And that is a big leap for us, culturally.”

Gordon also commented on IC’s report on Russian election interference, the “know the risk, raise your shield” cybersecurity campaign and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s data sharing efforts.