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Adam Hickey: Cyber Threats Drive DOJ to Recruit Lawyers With Tech Background

1 min read

Adam Hickey, deputy assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice, told Federal News Network in an interview published Friday that DOJ is ramping up its efforts to recruit lawyers with background in modern technologies amid the increasing cyber threats facing the federal government.

“So we are seeing many younger attorneys who are coming on board having had, if not a background in computer science, or at least some greater technical fluency because of their own experience, their personal life,” Hickey said on the network’s Agency in Focus: Justice Department segment.Â

He cited the potential benefit to lawyers of collaborating with agents with training in computer science.

“We aggressively recruit for folks who have that background, but not having had it myself, I’ll also tell you, there’s no substitute for working closely with some top agents at the bureau and learning the technology and learning how to investigate an intrusion case by working side by side with the agents that do have that computer science training,” Hickey noted.

Hickey mentioned that DOJ advances cross-training initiatives to better address cyber espionage.