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CIA’s Andrew Hallman: Intell Community Should Use New Tools to Counter Cyber Threats

1 min read

Andrew Hallman, deputy director for digital innovation at the CIA, has said the U.S. intelligence community must further develop infrastructure for cyber threat analysis efforts through the adoption of machine learning and automated intelligence tools.

He told audience at 2018 Defense Intelligence Agency Department of Defense Intelligence Information System Worldwide Conference held Tuesday that modern technology can help agencies gather, examine and transmit data in real time, DIA said Wednesday.

“The national security threats that we face, which are increasingly represented within the digital domain, are growing in size, range, number, speed and complexity,” Hallman said at the event.

“Data is inherently dual use and like many other benefits of mankind, it is also being weaponized.”

Multiple government, military, industry and academic representatives attended the conference to address various information technology challenges that could impact mission users.