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GAO Asks IRS to Document IT Funding Priority Processes

1 min read

recordThe Government Accountability Office has called on the Internal Revenue Service to document how IRS prioritizes information technology funding and change its investment performance information reporting.

The GAO said Wednesday it has examined the IRS’ process for determining the service’s fiscal year 2016 funding priorities and assessed performance information for six selected investments for fiscal year 2015 and the first quarter of 2016.

The government watchdog found that IRS lacked a full documentation for the way it developed a structured process for operational fund allocation due to what IRS officials described as a new nature of the process.

The information technology investment priorities IRS developed for fiscal year 2016 supports operations and modernization.

GAO also discovered that IRS did not apply the necessary standards for determining scope delivered for two out of six investments reviewed such as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and Return Review Program.

Two of the other IRS’ investments also failed to report data on planned versus actual delivery of scope, according to GAO.