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Eugene Tu Named Director of NASA Ames Research Center; Charles Bolden Comments

1 min read


Eugene Tu
Eugene Tu

Eugene Tu, formerly director of exploration technology at NASA’s Ames Research Center, has been named director of the Moffett Field, California-based research hub.

Tu oversaw Ames’ integrated arc jet testing complex and NASA’s supercomputing facility, NASA said Monday.

“I am delighted to have a leader of Dr. Tu’s caliber to engage the Ames workforce and harness the center’s innovation for cutting edge science and the technology development to support our journey to Mars and the next generation of aviation,” said Charles Bolden, NASA administrator.

Tu held research and managerial roles in computational aerodynamics, information technology, high performance computing and communications at Ames.

He previously worked at NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical Research in Washington.

Tu is an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.


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