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Al Tarasiuk Retires as ODNI CIO; James Clapper Comments

1 min read


Al Tarasiuk
Al Tarasiuk

Al Tarasiuk has retired from his position as chief information officer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence after more than 28 years of federal service.

Tarasiuk has led ODNI’s efforts to develop information technology efficiency initiatives across the U.S. intelligence community and oversaw the implementation of the IC Information Technology Enterprise infrastructure, DNI James Clapper said Tuesday.

“The results of Al and his team are truly ground-breaking and have drawn the IC closer together to work better, faster and smarter,” Clapper added.

Tarasiuk started his IC career in 1988 as an electrical engineer at the Central Intelligence Agency and later managed the agency’s enterprise technology and data sharing platforms as CIO.

He was appointed by President Barack Obama to the CIO role at ODNI in 2011.


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