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Marine Corps to Deploy Android Smartphones for Humanitarian Aid Missions; Maj. Mike Ohleger Comments

1 min read

mobile device managementThe U.S. Marine Corps plans to implement the use of mobile devices in 2015 for troops to gather and send information during humanitarian aid missions, Defense News reported Thursday.

Kevin McCaney writes U.S. Marines will work to to automate their processes with smartphones that run the Android operating system and are preloaded with the Marine Corps Civil Information Management System.

Maj. Mike Ohleger oversaw the system’s development phase for two years at the Quantico, Virginia-based Marine Corps Systems Command with funding from the Office of Naval Research, according to the report.

“For civil affairs it means taking an outdated, manual system, automating it and bringing it to the cloud,” Ohleger told Defense News.

Users will have devices that will work to transmit data to a cloud system that is accessible by other government users and allies, the report says.

The Marine Corps will start to deploy 300 MARCIM smartphones to civil affairs detachments and Reserve civil affairs groups next year, McCaney reports.

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