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President’s Budget Would Lessen Impact of Sequester on Defense Spending

1 min read

ObamaPresident Barack Obama is seeking $100 billion in cuts to the defense budget over the next decade, down from $500 billion that were originally required under sequestration.

Under the President’s $3.77 trillion budget, taxes on top earners would be increased to make-up for the defense funds, according to a DoD Buzz article.

The two month late budget plans to reduce the deficit by $1.8 trillion over ten years while increasing infrastructure spending.

The divide between Republicans and Democrats on taxes and spending issues is as wide as it was two years ago and it is unlikely they will agree on a resolution to the automatic budget cuts.

“Because of this uncertainty, DoD and Congress have not yet begun to grapple seriously with major structural issues in the defense budget—issues that over time will erode the military’s ability to support a well-trained, modernized force of sufficient size to meet the nation’s security commitments,” said Chief Naval Officer Adm. Jonathan Greenert.


  1. My wife and I are retired and in our seventies. Social Security and Veteran’s health care benefits enable us to live modestly, but pleasantly. Although even minor Sequester benefit reductions would affect us, we would get by and, in a way, be serving the interests of our country. This would be easier to accept if our country were again able to serve its own interests. Right now America, not just Palestine, has been occupied by Israel. The Wall Street felons remaining unpunished and AIPAC actually writing congressional legislation attest to the depth of the occupation. United States has been bankrupted by: 1. Our Mideast wars instigated by Israel. 2. Our support for the Jewish state’s Mideast conquests. 3. The Great Recession felonies of Wall Street’s ethnic Israel Firsters and their traitorous ethnic Israel Firster government enablers.

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