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ExecutiveGov Covers the Appointments and Departures of White House Cabinet Members

2 mins read

EM-Logo_ExecutiveBizExecutiveGov always has its focus set on the leaders who are driving policy at the intersection of the private and public sectors.

As part of that theme, the government website reports all news relating to the appointments and departures in President Obama’s cabinet.

Since the beginning of Obama’s second term, there have been a number of articles published about moves in the President’s cabinet.

Newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry was confirmed by the Senate with a vot of 94-3 to succeed outgoing Hillary Clinton.

He made it through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with unanimous approval, a panel Kerry used to chair.

Chuck Hagel had a tougher road to becoming the next U.S. Secretary of Defense as his critics leveled a number of arguments against the former Senator which included “his opposition to unilateral sanctions against Iran, support for talks with Hamas, opposition to deeming Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization and a reference to Israel-backing groups as the “Jewish lobby.””

He was eventually confirmed to the post and will be kept busy by a slew of budget cuts that are hitting the military.

ExecutiveGov also covered the appointment of Jeffrey Zients as Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget to replace Peter Orszag, who resigned.

Prior to his current role, Zients was CEO and chairman of The Advisory Board Company in addition to chairman of the Corporate Executive Board.

Environmental Protection Agency Chief Lisa Jackson, the first African American to serve as EPA administrator, announced she was stepping down from her post in January, 2013.

In addition to covering her possible replacement soon after her announced resignation, ExecutiveGov published an article detailing her successor just before it was announced.

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