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HHS Releases Guidance to Improve Safety of Electronic Health Records; Dr. Farzad Mostashari Comments

1 min read


Dr. Farzad Mostashari

The Department of Health and Human Services has released guidance for making electronic health records safer for patients, according to a NextGov article.

“This report will help all of us better use health IT to deliver high quality care and improve patient safety,” said Dr. Farzad Mostashari, national coordinator for health IT.

The Health IT Patient Safety Action and Surveillance plan organizes recommended actions into three categories including “increasing the quantity and quality of data about health IT safety, targeting resources and corrective actions to improve safety and promoting a culture of health IT safety”.

There are a number of strategies included in the article which NextGov took from the HHS fact sheet.

One of the strategies is to include health IT and patient safety in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ health-care facility safety standards.

Another strategy is to establish an ONC safety program to analyze reported data and establish a multi-agency HHS health IT safety committee.


1 Comment

  1. I read a comment about this and author said that all of this medical information goes to India to be transcribited into HIH and then sent back to US. Is this true or not! Please, only the truth says:

    I read that individuals health data is sent to India to be transcribed and coaded. Then it is sent back to US.. Is this true?????

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