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HHS: Federal Funds Will Not Support Partial State Medicaid Expansions

1 min read

Only states that implement a full expansion of their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act will receive federal funds, the Department of Health and Human Services said this week.

Kaiser Health News reports states that only partially expand their programs will get no federal funds.

Under the ACA, Medicaid must cover anyone earning $32,000 on average for a family of four, or 138 percent of the federal poverty level, KHN reports.

Phil Galewitz and Mary Agnes Carey write HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius notified state governors in a letter that they can seek a waiver in 2017 for a partial expansion.

The Washington Post reports the waivers would exempt states from several of the ACA’s mandates if they can prove the number of uninsured residents will not go up.

States must also prove their insurance plans will be no less affordable or comprehensive in coverage, the Post reports.

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