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Deltek Analyst: Army Faces $954M RDT&E Cut Under Sequestration

1 min read

The U.S. Army‘s command and control and weapons platform programs will be most impacted by sequestration if it pushes through, a Deltek analyst says.

Alex Rossino, a principal research analyst, estimates the Army could lost $954 million in fiscal year 2013 funds for the research, development, test and evaluation budget.

That amounts to a 10.7 percent reduction from the Army’s total fiscal 2013 request for RDT&E funds, which was $8.9 billion.

Rossino writes sequestration cuts affecting that part of the Army’s would be based on fiscal year 2012 funding levels, which totaled around $8.7 billion.

A continuing resolution set that requirement and is in place until March 2013.

In the Army’s case, Rossino says the branch would have been better able to manage the sequester if the cuts were made based on fiscal 2013 levels as the Army expected to get $200 million more in RDT&E funds.

John Slye, another Deltek analyst, examined sequestration’s potential effects on the Air Force’s research, development and evaluation budget (click here for coverage on his analysis).

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