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Clapper, Long Address Sequestration Effects on IC

1 min read


James Clapper

Two of the country’s top intelligence officials addressed the potential effects of sequestrationTuesday at an industry seminar, CNN reports.

Letitia Long

According to Pam Benson’s story, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said sequestration would be “disastrous” to the intelligence community and does not provide agencies flexibility in their budgets.

Calling the situation a “train wreck,” Clapper said Congress should act after it returns in November for a lame duck session.

Letitia Long, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, claimed the intelligence community will not have any risk management capabilities if sequestration takes effect.

At the conference, Long and Clapper also addressed some future technological advances coming to the IC, including a new desktop architecture and a cloud computing-based information environment (click here to read our coverage).


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