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NIC Survey: Many Citizens Would Pay for Faster E-Gov Service

1 min read

Nearly two-thirds of citizens would be willing to pay between $1 and $5 to not stand in line at a government agency and instead use an online service, a NIC survey says.

Wakefield Research conducted the survey on behalf of the Kansas-based electronic government provider.

Thirty percent of respondents would pay $10 or more and 14 percent would pay $20 or more to avoid waiting in line, the survey says.

Wakefield found 48 percent of respondents already spend between $1 and $5 almost daily on items including toll roads, coffee, bagels and music downloads, NIC said in its release.

Regarding wait times at agencies, 48 percent of respondents said they have waited for at least an hour at a government office and 14 percent said they waited for at least two hours.

According to an Accenture survey released in April, nearly half of the 1,400 respondents found it easy to interact with their government.

Citizens in Australia, France, Germany, India, Singapore, Australia and the U.S. participated in that survey.

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