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GAO: IT Progress Stalled In VA-DoD Healthcare Project

1 min read

The Government Accountability Office recently audited the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs’ progress in integrating their healthcare facilities, Fierce Government IT reports.

The Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, located in North Chicago, Ill., is the VA’s first attempt at the integration process.

GAO auditors found 11 of the 12 project areas at the Lovell Center are either completed or in progress and information technology is the only area that has suffered delays.

The fiscal year 2010 defense authorization act and an executive agreement required the VA to have three defined IT capabilities fully functional when the when the center opened up in October 2010.

Those capabilities are intended to support electronic health record interoperability, which has not yet happened, Molly Bernhart Walker reported.

The departments have also not established performance measures for tracking progress.

VA and Pentagon officials have set an estimated completion date of March 2013.

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